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October.2022 Week-4 Double cropping and cropland expansion boost grain production in Brazil ★★★★★ 2022. 10. 25.
October.2022 Week-2 Winter wheat mapping combining variations before and after estimated heading dates ★★★ 2022. 10. 7.
October.2022 Week-1 Detecting crop phenology from vegetation index time-series data by improved shape model fitting in each phenological stage ★★★★★ 2022. 9. 29.
September.2022 Week-4 Characterizing spatiotemporal patterns of crop phenology across North America during 2000-2016 using satellite imagery and agricultural survey data ★★★★★ 2022. 9. 27.
September.2022 Week-3 Exploring Google Street View with deep learning for crop type mapping ★★★ 2022. 9. 16.
September.2022 Week-2 Sentinel-2 cropland mapping using pixel-based and object-based time-weighted dynamic time warping analysis ★★★★ 2022. 9. 11.
Crop Healthiness Monitoring YOCO - You Only Click Once / Crop monitoring through vegetation indices / Google Earth Engine App https://ryoungseob94.users.earthengine.app/view/ryoungseobcropmonitoring 2022. 9. 11.
September.2022 Week-1 Evaluation of four image fusion NDVI products against in-situ spectral measurements over a heterogeneous rice paddy landscape ★★★ A practical approach to reconstruct high-quality Landsat NDVI time-series data by gap filling and the Savitzky-Golay filter ★★★★★ 2022. 9. 4.
August.2022 Week-4 Spatiotemporal image fusion in Google Earth Engine for annual estimates of land surface phenology in a heterogeneous landscape ★★★★ An enhanced spatial and temporal adaptive reflectance fusion model for complex heterogeneous regions ★★★★★ 2022. 8. 28.